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Yunxia Ye
Date:2017-12-11   View:

Name:Yunxia Ye

Professor; Master supervisor

Address:Room B501 School of Mechanical Engineering



E-mail:yeyunxia@ujs.edu.cn, yx_ye@163.com


2004-2007 Ph.D, Optical Engineering, Shanghai institute of optics and fine mechanics, Chinese academy of Sciences, China.

1999-2002 MS, Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, China

1995-1999 BS, Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu Universtiy, China

Professional Experience

2017.8- Professor in Optical engineering, Institute of laser application, and Department of optical information, Jiangsu University, China.

2010 -2017.7 Assistant professor in Optical engineering, Institute of laser application, and Department of optical information, Jiangsu University, China.

2007- 2010 Lecturer in Optical Engineering, Institute of laser application, and Department of optical information, Jiangsu University, China.

2004 -2007 Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Institute of laser application, and Department of Mechanical electronics,Jiangsu University, China

1999-2004 Assistant in Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, China.

Research interests

1.Laser shock forming. The research interest includes: (A) using ns, ps, or fs laser realize 3D forming of metal foil(the thickness is ~um). (B) using ns laser to realize 3D forming of sheet metal(the thickness is~mm).

(a) Laser shock forming metal foil with fs laser (b) 3D forming of thick metal sheet

2.Laser surface texturing.The research interest includes: (A) laser surface texturing based on laser shock processing(LSP).(B)laser surface texturing based on laser ablation.(C)laser surface texturing based on laser melting.

(a)The micro embossments fabricated with laser shock processing

(b) Surface texturing based on laser ablation

3. Laser shock peening.The research interest includes: (a) the propagation mechanisms and the relative law of laser-induced shock wave in the target material. (b) the strengthening mechanisms of different kinds of metal matierials (fcc, bcc, hcp) under high-strain-rate shock.


(a) Shock wave propagation simulation


(b)Residual stress distribution simulation

Teaching Courses

Laser Processing Technology

Laser Principles

Solid-state Laser Devices

Honors and Awards

1.Six talent peaks project in Jiangsu Province.

2.Award of Young Back-bone Teacher Training Engineering of Jiangsu University, 2013.

3.the second prize Science and technology Awards of Jiangsu Province, 2008.

4.the second prize Science and technology Awards of Chinese Society of Machinary, 2009.

Main Research Projects

1.Mechanisms of laser shock induced surface texturing and its influence on surface friction and wear(BEK20171297), Jiangsu Provincial Natural Foundation,2017-2020.

2.Laser shock forming with femtosecond laser (No.MSV-2015-17), Provincial Key Lab Program, 2015-2017.

3. Plastic forming mechanisms of metal foil under fs laser induced-ultrafast and ultra-high shock loading and the forming methods(No. 51205172), NSFC, 2012-2015.

4. Key technologies and the equipments of laser shock processing with high energy and high-repetition-rate laser (No.BE2012149), Technology Support Project of Jiangsu Province, 2013-2016.

5. Key technologies of Application Laser surface texturing in Inner Combustion Engine and Its Industrilization, Major achievement transformation project from Ministry of science and technology, 2012-2015.

Main Scientific Publications

Journal Publications

1.Y.X. Ye,T. Xuan, Z.C. Lian, Y.Y. Feng, X.J. Hua Investigation of the crater-like micro defects induced by laser shock processing with aluminum foil as absorbent layer. Applied Surface Science. 2015,339: 75-84.

2.Y.X. Ye,Y.Y. Feng, Z.C. Lian, Y.Q. Hua.Mold-free fs laser shock micro forming and its plastic deformation mechanism. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 67:74-82.

3.Y.X. Ye,Y.Y. Feng, Z.C. Lian, Y.Q. HuaPlastic deformation mechanism of polycrystalline copper foil shocked with femtosecond laser. Applied Surface Science, 2014, 309: 240-249.

4.Y.X.Ye,Y.Y. Feng, X.J. Hua, Z.C. Lian. Experimental research on laser shock forming metal foils with femtosecond laser. Applied surface science. 2013, 285B:600-606.

5. Y.X. Ye,T. Xuan, Z.C. Lian, Y.Y. Feng, X.J.Hua.

Fabricating micro embossments on the metal surface through spatially modulating laser-induced shock wave.Applied surface science. 2015 (In Revision)

6.Y.X.Ye, L.H.Wei, W.C.Sheng, M.Chen,Y.Q.Hua. Luminescent properties of a new Nd3+-doped complex with two different carboxylic acids and pyridine derivative. Rare Metals. 2013, 32(5):490-495.

7.Y.X.Ye, L.H.Wei, W.C.Sheng. Effects of different ligands on fluorescent properties of Nd3+ organic complexes. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2014, 43(10):2359-2364.

8.L.H. Wei,Y.X. YeR.X.Zhang. Synthesis,crystal structure and fluorescence properties of Nd3+ complex with tetrabromoterephthalic acid. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2014, 1058(24): 51-55.

9.Ye Y.X.We L.H., Sheng W.C., Zhang Y., Hua Y.Q. Synthesis, Characterization and luminescence properties of a high quantum efficiency Nd (III)-doped organic complex. Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser.2013, 24(6):1120-1125.


10.Ye Y.X.,Yu K.H., Qian L.J., Fan D.Y. Spectral properties of hydrogen containing organic solution of neodymium chelate. Acta Physica Sinica. 2006, 55(12):6424-6429.

(叶云霞,余柯涵,钱列加,范滇元,彭波.Nd3+螯合物的含氢有机溶液光谱性能研究.物理学报,200655(12): 6424-6429.)

11.Ye Y.X.,Fan D.Y. Incoherent radiation of amplifying random media. Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2007, 34(3):364-369.

(叶云霞,范滇元.增益随机散射介质中的非相干辐射.中国激光. 2007343: 364-369 .)

12.Ye Y.X.,Fan D.Y. Theoretical and analysis and numerical calculation of transmitted light intensity of light scattering from nano-partical random scatters.Acta Optica Sinica. 2007, 27(5):951-956.

(叶云霞,范滇元.光通过纳米颗粒随机散射体透射光强的计算及分析.光学学报. 2007275:951-956.)

13.Ye Y.X.,Fan D.Y. Progress of Rare-Earth-Doped Liquid Laser. Laser&Optoelectronics Progress 2007, 44(1):45-50.


14.Ye Y.X.,Fan D.Y.Investigation of neodymium doped organic liquid media for laser application. Chinese Optical Letters (suppl). 2007, 5:S33-35(Chinese Optics Letters, Vol.5, Issue S1, pp. S33-S35).

15.Ye Y.X.,Fan D.Y. Incoherent radiation of amplifying random media. Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China. 2008, 1(1-2): 95-100.

16.Ye Y.X.,Yao H.B. Research on long-life mode in 2D random media. Acta Photonica Sinica. 2010, 39(1):144-147.


17.Ye Y.X.,Fu Y.H., Yang G.C, Chen Z.H., Zhang Y.K.. Study on Laser Phase Transformation Hardening of HT250 by High Speed Axis Flow CO2 Laser. Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2002, 29(10):945-949.

(叶云霞,符永宏,杨国成,陈朝晖,张永康.快速轴流CO2激光器激光相变硬化处理HT250的研究.中国激光. 20022910:945-949.)

18.Ye Y.X.,Fu Y.H., Zhang Y.K. Study on laser transformation hardening of HT250 by high speed axis flow CO2 laser. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2003, 19( 2):170-173.

19.Ye Y.X.,Zhang Y.K., Li J. New method for evaluating the depth of hardened zone obtained through laser quench. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2005, 41(5): 196-199 .

(叶云霞,张永康,李进.激光淬火硬化带的数值估算新方法.机械工程学报.2005,415:196-199 .)

20.Ye Y.X.,Wang D.C, Zhang Y.K.. The development of the preparation of film by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology. 2001, 22(2):56-59.

(叶云霞,王大承,张永康.脉冲激光沉积制备薄膜的研究动态.江苏理工大学学报. 2001222):56-59.)

21.Guan H.B.,Ye Y.X.,Wu Z., Zhang L., Zhang Y.K. Influence of ASE on the residual stress after laser shock processing 7050 aluminum alloy. Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2010, 37(8):2121-2125.


22.Guan H.B.,Ye Y.X.,Zhang Y.K. Yao H.B., Jiang Y.F., Qian X.M. Effects of amplified spontaneous emission on laser shock processing 7050 aluminium alloy. High power laser and particle beams. 2011, 23(1):16-20.


23. Guan H.B.,Ye Y.X.,Wu Z., Zhang L., Zhang Y.K.

Effects of Long Pulse-Width Stray Light on Shock Wave Induced by Laser. Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2011, 38(7):0703007-2-4.


2011, 38(7):0703007-2-4.)

24.Fu Y.H.,Ye Y.X.,Zhang Y.K., Cai L. Technology of laser honing applied in distinctively improving the lubrication of friction units. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2002, 38(8):115-117.


25.Fu Y.H.,Ye Y.X.,Zhang Y.K., Cai L.Study on the technology of laser honing applied in machining the cylinder bore of engine. Laser technology. 2002, 26(5):379-381.

(符永宏,叶云霞,张永康,蔡兰.发动机气缸孔表面的激光珩磨技术研究.激光技术. 2002,26(5):379-381.)

26.Fu, Y.H.,Ye, Y.X.,Zhang, Y.K., Cai, L. The technology of laser honing applied in distinctively improving the lubrication of frictional units. Key Engineering Materials,2001, 202-203:265-270.

27.Peng R.W,Ye Y.X.,Tang Z.X., Fan D.Y. Transverse intensity distributions of a broadband laser modulated by a hard-edged aperture. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 2005, 22(9):1903-1908.

28. Peng R.W,Ye Y.X.,Tang Z.X., Wen S.C., Fan D.Y. Influence of the chirp on the intensity distributions of an apertured pulse. Optik, 2006,117(8): 388-392.

29. Peng R.W,Ye Y.X.,Tang Z.X., Fan D.Y., Effect of bandwidth on the intensities of an apertured laser in the near and far fields. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6028, ICO20: Lasers and Laser Technologies, 2005:602821.

30. Peng R.W,Ye Y.X.,Tang Z.X., Zhao C.J., Wen S.C., Fan D.Y. Smoothing effect in the broadband laser through a dispersive wedge. Optics Communications, 2006, 265(1): 106-110

31. Peng R.W,Ye Y.X.,Tang Z.X., Wen S.C.,Fan D.Y. Influence of the bandwidth on intensity uniformity in pulses with Hermite-Gaussian transverse modes. Chinese Journal of Lasers. 2006,33(8):1069-1072


Conference Publications

32.Yunxia Ye,Zhong Wu, Haibing Guan. Influence of Light Leakage from Q-switched Laser on Laser-Induced Shock Wave. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 314-316:1895-1899.

33.Yunxia Ye,Yayun Feng, Ting Xuan, Xijun Hua, Yinqun Hua.Laser shock microforming of Aluminum foil with fs laser.Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9295 92950Y-1-6.

Book Chapters

张永康(Zhong Yongkang),周建忠(Zhou Jianzhong),叶云霞(Ye Yunxia).激光加工技术(Laser machining techology). Beijing:化学工业出版社(Chemical Industry Press),2004.9

(responsible for the chapters about laser principle, laser-matter interaction and laser quenching )


1.Y.X.Ye, H.B.Guan, Y.K.Zhang, Z.Y.Zhang, H.B.Yao, X.M.Qian, Z.Wu. One method to measure the pulse energy and ASE of the Q-switched laser simultaneously. ZL 201010176085.0

(叶云霞,管海兵,张永康,张朝阳,姚红兵,钱晓明,吴忠.同时测量激光器调Q能量和放大自发辐射的方法. ZL 201010176085.0)

2. Y.X.Ye, Y.K.Zhang, Z.Wu. One method to measure the output energy and pulse width of the pulse laser simultaneously. ZL201110267810.X.


3. Y.X.Ye,Y.Q.Hua,R.F.Chen. One kind of laser cutting head with the functions of holding parts.ZL 201110107676.

(叶云霞,花银群,陈瑞芳.一种具有夹持功能的手持式激光切割头.ZL 201110107676)

4.Y.X.Ye, Z.Y.Zhang, Y.Y.Feng, L.Sun, M.G. Gao.The laser shock processing equipment with the flow liquid as the energy absorbing layer.ZL 201310080141.4.

(叶云霞,张朝阳,冯亚云,孙亮,高明光.以可流动液体为能量吸收层的激光冲击处理装置.ZL 201310080141.4 )

5.Y.X.Ye, Z.Y.Jia, Q.X.Liu, H.B.He, S.Huang. An equipment and the method to measure the thermal lens of one laser rod. ZL 201410388115.2.

(叶云霞,贾子扬,刘强宪,何海宾,黄帅.一种激光棒热透镜焦距的测量装置及方法ZL 201410388115.2)

6.Y.X.Ye, T.Xuan, H.Zuo, F.Wang, H.B.He, S.S.Tao. A method for manufacturing micro embossments on the metal surface.ZL 201510167452.3.

(叶云霞,宣婷,左慧,王峰,何海宾,陶斯思.一种在金属表面制造微凸点的方法. ZL 201510167452.3.)

7. Y.X.Ye,T.Xuan, H.Zuo, F.Wang, Y.H.Fu, X.J. Hua, J.Z.Zhou. A method for manufacturing micro embossments on the metal surface.PPCT/CN2015/078916

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