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The School of Mechanical Engineering held an academic tool sharing meeting
Date:2022-11-30   View:

On November 30, the Graduate Student Association of the School of Mechanical Engineering held an academic tool sharing meeting on the 7th floor of the School, "It is better to teach fish than teach fish". Wan Yinchen, the full-time counselor of the college, Yao Hanghang, Ye Fangcheng, and Zhang Jian, the outstanding graduate students, were invited to participate in this activity for academic sharing. Ye Xin, the graduate counselor, and some 22 level graduate students of the college were invited to participate.

At the beginning of the activity, the host Liu Qiang gave a brief introduction to the four guests and explained the "five levels" of the scientific research process, which officially started the activity. Wan Yinchen introduced the application scenarios of Endnote, PPT and PS, showed the use methods and skills of Endnote in detail, and emphasized the importance of document management in the process of scientific research; Yao Yuhang shared from three aspects of literature search, literature management and data processing, and demonstrated the operation steps by recording videos in advance, leading students to sort out the correct scientific research ideas by "hand in hand"; Zhang Jian diverged from the three basic questions of "what is IELTS, why and how to do it", and shared his experience and feelings of studying in the elite class of IELTS; Ye Fangcheng explained the two parts of "input and output" of English learning from the perspective of English sound change identification skills, and suggested students to clarify the learning ideas from low level to high level, and reasonably plan English learning time.

Through this academic tool sharing meeting, the students learned how to use the academic tools needed at each important stage of scientific research, which helped to cultivate the students' good habit of using scientific research tools correctly, so as to improve the efficiency of scientific research, produce high-quality achievements, and contribute their own strength to the discipline construction of the college.

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